Panther Happy Hooker Mooring Aid - Plastic [85-B203MAR]

Sale Price: $76.49
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Happy Hooker Mooring Aid - Plastic

Makes picking up moorings a snap. This unique product allows the user to easily pass a rope, mooring line, dock line, or cable through an eye-hook, ring, bow eye, mooring buoy from a distance and retrieve it, all in 1 simple motion. Easily fastens to most any type of extension pole with bolt or hose clamp (pole not included).


  • Makes picking up moorings a snap
  • Allows the user to pass a rope, mooring line, dock line, or cable through an eye-hook, ring, bow eye, mooring buoy from a distance
  • Easy to use
  • Easily fastens to most any type of extension pole with bolt or hose clamp

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